
aus Chaos FreewarWiki, der Referenz für Freewar
Version vom 17. Januar 2016, 07:36 Uhr von SniGG (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Dies ist ein in PHP geschriebens Media-Wiki Botframework von Chris G et al. Es wurde an das FWW angepasst. Der Bot besteht aus folgenden Einzelklassen:


Eine Kollektion an für den Umgang mit dem MediaWiki notwendigen Klassen:

 * botclasses.php - Bot classes for interacting with mediawiki.
 *  (c) 2008-2012 Chris G -
 *  (c) 2009-2010 Fale -
 *  (c) 2010      Kaldari -
 *  (c) 2011      Gutza -
 *  (c) 2012      Sean -
 *  (c) 2012      Brain -
 *  (c) 2016      sniGG -
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
 *  Developers (add yourself here if you worked on the code):
 *      Cobi    - [[User:Cobi]]         - Wrote the http class and some of the wikipedia class
 *      Chris   - [[User:Chris_G]]      - Wrote the most of the wikipedia class
 *      Fale    - [[User:Fale]]         - Polish, wrote the extended and some of the wikipedia class
 *      Kaldari - [[User:Kaldari]]      - Submitted a patch for the imagematches function
 *      Gutza   - [[User:Gutza]]        - Submitted a patch for http->setHTTPcreds(), and http->quiet
 *      Sean    - [[User:SColombo]]     - Wrote the lyricwiki class (now moved to lyricswiki.php)
 *      Brain   - [[User:Brian_McNeil]] - Wrote wikipedia->getfileuploader() and wikipedia->getfilelocation
 *      sniGG   - [[User:SniGG]]        - Wrote wikipedia->touch(), updated api usage to new MediaWiki

 * Forks/Alternative versions:
 * There's a couple of different versions of this code lying around.
 * I'll try to list them here for reference purpopses:

  * Constants
define("BOT_TOUCH", "Bot: Touche Artikel. Sollte kein Edit entstehen.");
 * This class is designed to provide a simplified interface to cURL which maintains cookies.
 * @author Cobi
class http {
    private $ch;
    private $uid;
    public $cookie_jar;
    public $postfollowredirs;
    public $getfollowredirs;
    public $quiet=false;
    public $userAgent = 'php wikibot classes';
    public $httpHeader = array( 'Expect:' );
    public $defaultHttpHeader = array( 'Expect:' );

	public function http_code () {
		return curl_getinfo( $this->ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE );

    function data_encode ($data, $keyprefix = "", $keypostfix = "") {
        assert( is_array($data) );
        foreach($data as $key=>$value) {
                $vars .= $this->data_encode($value, $keyprefix.$key.$keypostfix.urlencode("["), urlencode("]"));
                $vars .= $keyprefix.$key.$keypostfix."=".urlencode($value)."&";
        return $vars;

    function __construct () {
        $this->ch = curl_init();
        $this->uid = dechex(rand(0,99999999));
        $this->postfollowredirs = 0;
        $this->getfollowredirs = 1;
        $this->cookie_jar = array();

    function post( $url, $data ) {
        //echo 'POST: '.$url."\n";
        $time = microtime(1);
        /* Crappy hack to add extra cookies, should be cleaned up */
        $cookies = null;
        foreach ($this->cookie_jar as $name => $value) {
            if (empty($cookies))
                $cookies = "$name=$value";
                $cookies .= "; $name=$value";
        if ($cookies != null)
	curl_setopt( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $this->httpHeader );
        #curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Expect:'));
        #curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,
	#    'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' );
//      curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_FAILONERROR,1);
//	curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, substr($this->data_encode($data), 0, -1) );
        curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
        $data = curl_exec($this->ch);
//	echo "Error: ".curl_error($this->ch);
//	var_dump($data);
//	global $logfd;
//	if (!is_resource($logfd)) {
//		$logfd = fopen('php://stderr','w');
	if (!$this->quiet) {
            echo 'POST: '.$url.' ('.(microtime(1) - $time).' s) ('.strlen($data)." b)\n";
	if ($this->quiet == 'soft') {
	    echo 'POST: ('.(microtime(1) - $time).' s) ('.strlen($data)." b)\n";
// 	}
        return $data;

    function get ( $url ) {
        //echo 'GET: '.$url."\n";
        $time = microtime(1);
        /* Crappy hack to add extra cookies, should be cleaned up */
        $cookies = null;
        foreach ($this->cookie_jar as $name => $value) {
            if (empty($cookies))
                $cookies = "$name=$value";
                $cookies .= "; $name=$value";
        if ($cookies != null)
        $data = curl_exec($this->ch);
        //echo "Error: ".curl_error($this->ch);
        //global $logfd;
        //if (!is_resource($logfd)) {
        //    $logfd = fopen('php://stderr','w');
        if (!$this->quiet) {
            echo 'GET: '.$url.' ('.(microtime(1) - $time).' s) ('.strlen($data)." b)\n";
	if (!$this->quiet == 'soft' ) {
            echo 'GET: ('.(microtime(1) - $time).' s) ('.strlen($data)." b)\n";
        return $data;

    function setHTTPcreds($uname,$pwd) {
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC);
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $uname.":".$pwd);

    function __destruct () {

 * This class is interacts with wikipedia using api.php
 * @author Chris G and Cobi
class wikipedia {
    private $http;
    private $token;
    private $ecTimestamp;
    public $url;
    public $echoRet = false; // For debugging unserialize errors

     * This is our constructor.
     * @return void
    function __construct ($url='',$hu=null,$hp=null) {
        $this->http = new http;
        $this->token = null;
        $this->url = $url;
        $this->ecTimestamp = null;
        if ($hu!==null)

    function __set($var,$val) {
	switch($var) {
  		case 'quiet':
     			echo "WARNING: Unknown variable ($var)!\n";

     * Changes the user agent.
     * @param $userAgent The user agent string.
    function setUserAgent ( $userAgent ) {
	$this->http->userAgent = $userAgent;
     * Changes the http header.
     * @param $httpHeader The http header.
    function setHttpHeader ( $httpHeader ) {
	$this->http->httpHeader = $httpHeader;

     * Changes the http header.
     * @param $httpHeader The http header.
    function useDefaultHttpHeader () {
	$this->http->httpHeader = $this->http->defaultHttpHeader;

     * Sends a query to the api.
     * @param $query The query string.
     * @param $post POST data if its a post request (optional).
     * @return The api result.
    function query ($query, $post=null, $repeat=0) {
        if ($post==null) {
            $ret = $this->http->get($this->url.$query);
        } else {
            $ret = $this->http->post($this->url.$query,$post);
	if ($this->http->http_code() != "200") {
		if ($repeat < 10) {
			return $this->query($query,$post,++$repeat);
		} else {
			throw new Exception("HTTP Error " . $this->http->http_code() );
	if( $this->echoRet ) {
	    if( @unserialize( $ret ) === false ) {
		return array( 'errors' => array(
		    "The API query result can't be unserialized. Raw text is as follows: $ret\n" ) );
        return unserialize( $ret );

     * Gets the content of a page. Returns false on error.
     * @param $page The wikipedia page to fetch.
     * @param $revid The revision id to fetch (optional)
     * @return The wikitext for the page.
    function getpage ($page,$revid=null,$detectEditConflict=false) {
        $append = '';
        if ($revid!=null)
            $append = '&rvstartid='.$revid;
        $x = $this->query('?action=query&format=php&prop=revisions&titles='.urlencode($page).'&rvlimit=1&rvprop=content|timestamp'.$append);
        foreach ($x['query']['pages'] as $ret) {
            if (isset($ret['revisions'][0]['*'])) {
                if ($detectEditConflict)
                    $this->ecTimestamp = $ret['revisions'][0]['timestamp'];
                return $ret['revisions'][0]['*'];
            } else
                return false;

     * Gets the page id for a page.
     * @param $page The wikipedia page to get the id for.
     * @return The page id of the page.
    function getpageid ($page) {
        $x = $this->query('?action=query&format=php&prop=revisions&titles='.urlencode($page).'&rvlimit=1&rvprop=content');
        foreach ($x['query']['pages'] as $ret) {
            return $ret['pageid'];

     * Gets the number of contributions a user has.
     * @param $user The username for which to get the edit count.
     * @return The number of contributions the user has.
    function contribcount ($user) {
        $x = $this->query('?action=query&list=allusers&format=php&auprop=editcount&aulimit=1&aufrom='.urlencode($user));
        return $x['query']['allusers'][0]['editcount'];

     * Returns an array with all the members of $category
     * @param $category The category to use.
     * @param $subcat (bool) Go into sub categories?
     * @return array
    function categorymembers ($category,$subcat=false) {
        $continue = '';
        $pages = array();
        while (true) {
            $res = $this->query('?action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle='.urlencode($category).'&format=php&cmlimit=max'.$continue);
            if (isset($x['error'])) {
                return false;
            foreach ($res['query']['categorymembers'] as $x) {
                $pages[] = $x['title'];
            if (empty($res['query-continue']['categorymembers']['cmcontinue'])) {
                if ($subcat) {
                    foreach ($pages as $p) {
                        if (substr($p,0,9)=='Category:') {
                            $pages2 = $this->categorymembers($p,true);
                            $pages = array_merge($pages,$pages2);
                return $pages;
            } else {
                $continue = '&cmcontinue='.urlencode($res['query-continue']['categorymembers']['cmcontinue']);
	 * Fetches all pages in a given namespace.
	 * @param $namespace id of the namespace.
	 * @return array
	 function namespace_members($namespace) {
		$done = false;
        $apcontinue = '';
		$pages = array();
            while ( !$done ) {
            $query = "?action=query&format=php&list=allpages&aplimit=max&apnamespace=$namespace&rawcontinue";
            if ( $apcontinue != "" ) {
                $query .= "&apcontinue=$apcontinue";
            $ret = $this->query ( $query );
            if ( !isset ( $ret['query-continue'] ) ) {
                $done = true;
            } else {
                $apcontinue = $ret['query-continue']['allpages']['apcontinue'];
            foreach ( $ret['query']['allpages'] as $thisPage ) {
                $pages[] = $thisPage['title'];
		return $pages;

     * Returns a list of pages that link to $page.
     * @param $page
     * @param $extra (defaults to null)
     * @return array
    function whatlinkshere ($page,$extra=null) {
        $continue = '';
        $pages = array();
        while (true) {
            $res = $this->query('?action=query&list=backlinks&bltitle='.urlencode($page).'&bllimit=max&format=php'.$continue.$extra);
            if (isset($res['error'])) {
                return false;
            foreach ($res['query']['backlinks'] as $x) {
                $pages[] = $x['title'];
            if (empty($res['query-continue']['backlinks']['blcontinue'])) {
                return $pages;
            } else {
                $continue = '&blcontinue='.urlencode($res['query-continue']['backlinks']['blcontinue']);

    * Returns a list of pages that include the image.
    * @param $image
    * @param $extra (defaults to null)
    * @return array
    function whereisincluded ($image,$extre=null) {
        $continue = '';
        $pages = array();
        while (true) {
            $res = $this->query('?action=query&list=imageusage&iutitle='.urlencode($image).'&iulimit=max&format=php'.$continue.$extra);
            if (isset($res['error']))
                return false;
            foreach ($res['query']['imageusage'] as $x) {
                $pages[] = $x['title'];
            if (empty($res['query-continue']['imageusage']['iucontinue']))
                return $pages;
                $continue = '&iucontinue='.urlencode($res['query-continue']['imageusage']['iucontinue']);
    * Returns a list of pages that use the $template.
    * @param $template the template we are intereste into
    * @param $extra (defaults to null)
    * @return array
    function whatusethetemplate ($template,$extra=null) {
        $continue = '';
        $pages = array();
        while (true) {
            $res = $this->query('?action=query&list=embeddedin&eititle=Template:'.urlencode($template).'&eilimit=max&format=php'.$continue.$extra);
            if (isset($res['error'])) {
                return false;
            foreach ($res['query']['embeddedin'] as $x) {
                $pages[] = $x['title'];
            if (empty($res['query-continue']['embeddedin']['eicontinue'])) {
                return $pages;
            } else {
                $continue = '&eicontinue='.urlencode($res['query-continue']['embeddedin']['eicontinue']);
     * Returns an array with all the subpages of $page
     * @param $page
     * @return array
    function subpages ($page) {
        /* Calculate all the namespace codes */
        $ret = $this->query('?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=namespaces&format=php');
        foreach ($ret['query']['namespaces'] as $x) {
            $namespaces[$x['*']] = $x['id'];
        $temp = explode(':',$page,2);
        $namespace = $namespaces[$temp[0]];
        $title = $temp[1];
        $continue = '';
        $subpages = array();
        while (true) {
            $res = $this->query('?action=query&format=php&list=allpages&apprefix='.urlencode($title).'&aplimit=max&apnamespace='.$namespace.$continue);
            if (isset($x['error'])) {
                return false;
            foreach ($res['query']['allpages'] as $p) {
                $subpages[] = $p['title'];
            if (empty($res['query-continue']['allpages']['apfrom'])) {
                return $subpages;
            } else {
                $continue = '&apfrom='.urlencode($res['query-continue']['allpages']['apfrom']);

     * This function takes a username and password and logs you into wikipedia.
     * @param $user Username to login as.
     * @param $pass Password that corrisponds to the username.
     * @return array
    function login ($user,$pass) {
    	$post = array('lgname' => $user, 'lgpassword' => $pass);
        $ret = $this->query('?action=login&format=php',$post);
        /* This is now required - see */
        if ($ret['login']['result'] == 'NeedToken') {
        	$post['lgtoken'] = $ret['login']['token'];
        	$ret = $this->query( '?action=login&format=php', $post );
        if ($ret['login']['result'] != 'Success') {
            echo "Login error: \n";
        } else {
            return $ret;

    /* crappy hack to allow users to use cookies from old sessions */
    function setLogin($data) {
        $this->http->cookie_jar = array(
        $data['cookieprefix'].'UserName' => $data['lgusername'],
        $data['cookieprefix'].'UserID' => $data['lguserid'],
        $data['cookieprefix'].'Token' => $data['lgtoken'],
        $data['cookieprefix'].'_session' => $data['sessionid'],

     * Check if we're allowed to edit $page.
     * See
     * for more info.
     * @param $page The page we want to edit.
     * @param $user The bot's username.
     * @return bool
    function nobots ($page,$user=null,$text=null) {
        if ($text == null) {
            $text = $this->getpage($page);
        if ($user != null) {
            if (preg_match('/\{\{(nobots|bots\|allow=none|bots\|deny=all|bots\|optout=all|bots\|deny=.*?'.preg_quote($user,'/').'.*?)\}\}/iS',$text)) {
                return false;
        } else {
            if (preg_match('/\{\{(nobots|bots\|allow=none|bots\|deny=all|bots\|optout=all)\}\}/iS',$text)) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * This function returns the edit token for the current user.
     * @return edit token.
    function getedittoken () {
        $x = $this->query('?action=query&prop=info&intoken=edit&titles=Main%20Page&format=php');
        foreach ($x['query']['pages'] as $ret) {
            return $ret['edittoken'];

     * Purges the cache of $page.
     * @param $page The page to purge.
     * @return Api result.
    function purgeCache($page) {
        return $this->query('?action=purge&titles='.urlencode($page).'&format=php');
	 * Touches a collection of pages.
	 * @param $pages array of pages to touch
	 * @param $summary summary to print if bot edits accidentally
	function touch($pages, $summary = BOT_TOUCH) {
		foreach($pages as $page) {
			$get_page = $this->getpage($page);
			$this->edit( $page, $get_page, $summary, true, true );
	 * Touches all pages of a given namespace.
	 * @param $ns id of the ns to touch.
	 * @param $summary summary to print if bot edits accidentally
	function touch_ns($ns, $summary = BOT_TOUCH) {
		$ns_pages = $this->namespace_members($ns);
		$this->touch($ns_pages, $summary);
	 * Touches all pages of a given category. Include prefix in cat name.
	 * @param $cat the cat to touch.
	 * @param $summary summary to print if bot edits accidentally
	function touch_cat($cat, $summary = BOT_TOUCH) {
		$cat_pages = $this->categorymembers($cat);
		$this->touch($cat_pages, $summary);
     * Checks if $user has email enabled.
     * Uses index.php.
     * @param $user The user to check.
     * @return bool.
    function checkEmail($user) {
        $x = $this->query('?action=query&meta=allmessages&ammessages=noemailtext|notargettext&amlang=en&format=php');
        $messages[0] = $x['query']['allmessages'][0]['*'];
        $messages[1] = $x['query']['allmessages'][1]['*'];
        $page = $this->http->get(str_replace('api.php','index.php',$this->url).'?title=Special:EmailUser&target='.urlencode($user));
        if (preg_match('/('.preg_quote($messages[0],'/').'|'.preg_quote($messages[1],'/').')/i',$page)) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

     * Returns all the pages $page is transcluded on.
     * @param $page The page to get the transclusions from.
     * @param $sleep The time to sleep between requets (set to null to disable).
     * @return array.
    function getTransclusions($page,$sleep=null,$extra=null) {
        $continue = '';
        $pages = array();
        while (true) {
            $ret = $this->query('?action=query&list=embeddedin&eititle='.urlencode($page).$continue.$extra.'&eilimit=max&format=php');
            if ($sleep != null) {
            foreach ($ret['query']['embeddedin'] as $x) {
                $pages[] = $x['title'];
            if (isset($ret['query-continue']['embeddedin']['eicontinue'])) {
                $continue = '&eicontinue='.$ret['query-continue']['embeddedin']['eicontinue'];
            } else {
                return $pages;

     * Edits a page.
     * @param $page Page name to edit.
     * @param $data Data to post to page.
     * @param $summary Edit summary to use.
     * @param $minor Whether or not to mark edit as minor.  (Default false)
     * @param $bot Whether or not to mark edit as a bot edit.  (Default true)
     * @return api result
    function edit ($page,$data,$summary = '',$minor = false,$bot = true,$section = null,$detectEC=false,$maxlag='') {
        if ($this->token==null) {
            $this->token = $this->getedittoken();
        $params = array(
            'title' => $page,
            'text' => $data,
            'token' => $this->token,
            'summary' => $summary,
            ($minor?'minor':'notminor') => '1',
            ($bot?'bot':'notbot') => '1'
        if ($section != null) {
            $params['section'] = $section;
        if ($this->ecTimestamp != null && $detectEC == true) {
            $params['basetimestamp'] = $this->ecTimestamp;
            $this->ecTimestamp = null;
        if ($maxlag!='') {
        return $this->query('?action=edit&format=php'.$maxlag,$params);

    * Add a text.
    * @param $page The page we're working with.
    * @param $text The text that you want to add. If empty, page will get a touch.
    * @param $summary Edit summary to use.
    * @param $minor Whether or not to mark edit as minor.  (Default false)
    * @param $bot Whether or not to mark edit as a bot edit.  (Default false)
	* @param $begin Add text at begin or end of file. (Default false)
    * @return api result
    function addtext( $page, $text, $summary = '', $minor = false, $bot = false, $begin = false )
        $data = $this->getpage( $page );	
		if($text != "") {
				$data.= "\n" . $text;
				$data = $text . "\n" . $data;
        return $this->edit( $page, $data, $summary, $minor, $bot );
     * Moves a page.
     * @param $old Name of page to move.
     * @param $new New page title.
     * @param $reason Move summary to use.
     * @param $movetalk Move the page's talkpage as well.
     * @return api result
    function move ($old,$new,$reason,$options=null) {
        if ($this->token==null) {
            $this->token = $this->getedittoken();
        $params = array(
            'from' => $old,
            'to' => $new,
            'token' => $this->token,
            'reason' => $reason
        if ($options != null) {
            $option = explode('|',$options);
            foreach ($option as $o) {
                $params[$o] = true;
        return $this->query('?action=move&format=php',$params);

     * Rollback an edit.
     * @param $title Title of page to rollback.
     * @param $user Username of last edit to the page to rollback.
     * @param $reason Edit summary to use for rollback.
     * @param $bot mark the rollback as bot.
     * @return api result
    function rollback ($title,$user,$reason=null,$bot=false) {
        $ret = $this->query('?action=query&prop=revisions&rvtoken=rollback&titles='.urlencode($title).'&format=php');
        foreach ($ret['query']['pages'] as $x) {
            $token = $x['revisions'][0]['rollbacktoken'];
        $params = array(
            'title' => $title,
            'user' => $user,
            'token' => $token
        if ($bot) {
            $params['markbot'] = true;
        if ($reason != null) { $params['summary'] = $reason; }
            return $this->query('?action=rollback&format=php',$params);

     * Blocks a user.
     * @param $user The user to block.
     * @param $reason The block reason.
     * @param $expiry The block expiry.
     * @param $options a piped string containing the block options.
     * @return api result
    function block ($user,$reason='vand',$expiry='infinite',$options=null,$retry=true) {
        if ($this->token==null) {
            $this->token = $this->getedittoken();
        $params = array(
            'expiry' => $expiry,
            'user' => $user,
            'reason' => $reason,
            'token' => $this->token
        if ($options != null) {
            $option = explode('|',$options);
            foreach ($option as $o) {
                $params[$o] = true;
        $ret = $this->query('?action=block&format=php',$params);
        /* Retry on a failed token. */
        if ($retry and $ret['error']['code']=='badtoken') {
            $this->token = $this->getedittoken();
            return $this->block($user,$reason,$expiry,$options,false);
        return $ret;

     * Unblocks a user.
     * @param $user The user to unblock.
     * @param $reason The unblock reason.
     * @return api result
    function unblock ($user,$reason) {
        if ($this->token==null) {
            $this->token = $this->getedittoken();
        $params = array(
            'user' => $user,
            'reason' => $reason,
            'token' => $this->token
        return $this->query('?action=unblock&format=php',$params);

     * Emails a user.
     * @param $target The user to email.
     * @param $subject The email subject.
     * @param $text The body of the email.
     * @param $ccme Send a copy of the email to the user logged in.
     * @return api result
    function email ($target,$subject,$text,$ccme=false) {
        if ($this->token==null) {
            $this->token = $this->getedittoken();
        $params = array(
            'target' => $target,
            'subject' => $subject,
            'text' => $text,
            'token' => $this->token
        if ($ccme) {
            $params['ccme'] = true;
        return $this->query('?action=emailuser&format=php',$params);

     * Deletes a page.
     * @param $title The page to delete.
     * @param $reason The delete reason.
     * @return api result
    function delete ($title,$reason) {
        if ($this->token==null) {
            $this->token = $this->getedittoken();
        $params = array(
            'title' => $title,
            'reason' => $reason,
            'token' => $this->token
        return $this->query('?action=delete&format=php',$params);

     * Undeletes a page.
     * @param $title The page to undelete.
     * @param $reason The undelete reason.
     * @return api result
    function undelete ($title,$reason) {
        if ($this->token==null) {
            $this->token = $this->getedittoken();
        $params = array(
            'title' => $title,
            'reason' => $reason,
            'token' => $this->token
        return $this->query('?action=undelete&format=php',$params);

     * (Un)Protects a page.
     * @param $title The page to (un)protect.
     * @param $protections The protection levels (e.g. 'edit=autoconfirmed|move=sysop')
     * @param $expiry When the protection should expire (e.g. '1 day|infinite')
     * @param $reason The (un)protect reason.
     * @param $cascade Enable cascading protection? (defaults to false)
     * @return api result
    function protect ($title,$protections,$expiry,$reason,$cascade=false) {
        if ($this->token==null) {
            $this->token = $this->getedittoken();
        $params = array(
            'title' => $title,
            'protections' => $protections,
            'expiry' => $expiry,
            'reason' => $reason,
            'token' => $this->token
        if ($cascade) {
            $params['cascade'] = true;
        return $this->query('?action=protect&format=php',$params);

     * Uploads an image.
     * @param $page The destination file name.
     * @param $file The local file path.
     * @param $desc The upload description (defaults to '').
     function upload ( $page, $file, $desc='' ) {
	if ( !file_exists( $file ) ) {
	    return array( 'errors' => array(
		    "File does not exist!" ) );
        if ($this->token == null) {
                $this->token = $this->getedittoken();

        $params = array(
                'filename'        => $page,
                'comment'         => $desc,
                'text'            => $desc,
                'token'           => $this->token,
                'ignorewarnings'  => '1',
                'file'            => '@' . $file
        return $this->query( '?action=upload&format=php', $params );
    $page - page
    $revs - rev ids to delete (seperated with ,)
    $comment - delete comment
    function revdel ($page,$revs,$comment) {
        if ($this->token==null) {
            $this->token = $this->getedittoken();
        $post = array(
            'wpEditToken'       => $this->token,
            'ids' => $revs,
            'target' => $page,
            'type' => 'revision',
            'wpHidePrimary' => 1,
            'wpHideComment' => 1,
            'wpHideUser' => 0,
            'wpRevDeleteReasonList' => 'other',
            'wpReason' => $comment,
            'wpSubmit' => 'Apply to selected revision(s)'
        return $this->http->post(str_replace('api.php','index.php',$this->url).'?title=Special:RevisionDelete&action=submit',$post);

     * Creates a new account.
     * Uses index.php as there is no api to create accounts yet :(
     * @param $username The username the new account will have.
     * @param $password The password the new account will have.
     * @param $email The email the new account will have.
    function createaccount ($username,$password,$email=null) {
        $post = array(
            'wpName' => $username,
            'wpPassword' => $password,
            'wpRetype' => $password,
            'wpEmail' => $email,
            'wpRemember' => 0,
            'wpIgnoreAntiSpoof' => 0,
            'wpCreateaccount' => 'Create account',
        return $this->http->post(str_replace('api.php','index.php',$this->url).'?title=Special:UserLogin&action=submitlogin&type=signup',$post);

     * Changes a users rights.
     * @param $user   The user we're working with.
     * @param $add    A pipe-separated list of groups you want to add.
     * @param $remove A pipe-separated list of groups you want to remove.
     * @param $reason The reason for the change (defaults to '').
    function userrights ($user,$add,$remove,$reason='') {
        // get the userrights token
        $token = $this->query('?action=query&list=users&ususers='.urlencode($user).'&ustoken=userrights&format=php');
        $token = $token['query']['users'][0]['userrightstoken'];
        $params = array(
            'user' => $user,
            'token' => $token,
            'add' => $add,
            'remove' => $remove,
            'reason' => $reason
        return $this->query('?action=userrights&format=php',$params);
     * Gets the number of images matching a particular sha1 hash.
     * @param $hash The sha1 hash for an image.
     * @return The number of images with the same sha1 hash.
    function imagematches ($hash) {
		$x = $this->query('?action=query&list=allimages&format=php&aisha1='.$hash);
		return count($x['query']['allimages']);

	/**  BMcN 2012-09-16
     * Retrieve a media file's actual location.
     * @param $page The "File:" page on the wiki which the URL of is desired.
     * @return The URL pointing directly to the media file (Eg
    function getfilelocation ($page) {
        $x = $this->query('?action=query&format=php&prop=imageinfo&titles='.urlencode($page).'&iilimit=1&iiprop=url');
        foreach ($x['query']['pages'] as $ret ) {
            if (isset($ret['imageinfo'][0]['url'])) {
                return $ret['imageinfo'][0]['url'];
            } else
                return false;
    /**  BMcN 2012-09-16
     * Retrieve a media file's uploader.
     * @param $page The "File:" page
     * @return The user who uploaded the topmost version of the file.
    function getfileuploader ($page) {
        $x = $this->query('?action=query&format=php&prop=imageinfo&titles='.urlencode($page).'&iilimit=1&iiprop=user');
        foreach ($x['query']['pages'] as $ret ) {
            if (isset($ret['imageinfo'][0]['user'])) {
                return $ret['imageinfo'][0]['user'];
            } else
                return false;

 * This class extends the wiki class to provide an high level API for the most commons actions.
 * @author Fale
class extended extends wikipedia
     * Add a category to a page
     * @param $page The page we're working with.
     * @param $category The category that you want to add.
     * @param $summary Edit summary to use.
     * @param $minor Whether or not to mark edit as minor.  (Default false)
     * @param $bot Whether or not to mark edit as a bot edit.  (Default true)
     * @return api result
    function addcategory( $page, $category, $summary = '', $minor = false, $bot = true )
        $data = $this->getpage( $page );
        $data.= "\n[[Category:" . $category . "]]";
        return $this->edit( $page, $data, $summary, $minor, $bot );

     * Find a string
     * @param $page The page we're working with.
     * @param $string The string that you want to find.
     * @return bool value (1 found and 0 not-found)
    function findstring( $page, $string )
        $data = $this->getpage( $page );
        if( strstr( $data, $string ) )
            return 1;
            return 0;

     * Replace a string
     * @param $page The page we're working with.
     * @param $string The string that you want to replace.
     * @param $newstring The string that will replace the present string.
     * @return the new text of page
    function replacestring( $page, $string, $newstring )
        $data = $this->getpage( $page );
        return str_replace( $string, $newstring, $data );
     * Get a template from a page
     * @param $page The page we're working with
     * @param $template The name of the template we are looking for
     * @return the searched (NULL if the template has not been found)
    function gettemplate( $page, $template ) {
       $data = $this->getpage( $page );
       $template = preg_quote( $template, " " );
       $r = "/{{" . $template . "(?:[^{}]*(?:{{[^}]*}})?)+(?:[^}]*}})?/i";
       preg_match_all( $r, $data, $matches );
       if( isset( $matches[0][0] ) )
           return $matches[0][0];
           return NULL;


Ein Interface um den Umgang mit cURL zu erleichtern:

 * botclasses.php - Bot classes for interacting with mediawiki.
 *  (c) 2009-2010 Chris G -
 *  (c) 2010      Fale -
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
 *  Developers (add your self here if you worked on the code):
 *      Chris   - [[User:Chris_G]] - Wrote the whole code
 *      Fale    - [[User:Fale]]    - Code polish, docs

 * This class is designed to provide a simplified interface to cURL which maintains cookies.
 * @author Chris
class http
    protected $curl;
    protected $cookiejar;
    public $useragent;
    public function __construct ()
        $this->useragent = 'PHP cURL';
        $this->curl = curl_init();
        $this->cookiejar = '/tmp/http.cookies.'.dechex( rand( 0,99999999 ) ).'.dat';
        touch( $this->cookiejar );
        chmod( $this->cookiejar, 0600 );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR,$this->cookiejar );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE,$this->cookiejar );
     * Sends a GET request
     * @param $url is the address of the page you are looking for
     * @returns the page you asked for
    public function get ( $url )
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10 );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, true );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 15 );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 40 );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->useragent );
        return curl_exec( $this->curl );
     * Sends a POST request
     * @param $url is the address of the page you are looking for
     * @param $data is the post data.
     * @returns the page you asked for
    public function post ( $url, $data )
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10 );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_POST, true );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 15 );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 40 );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->useragent );
        curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Expect:' ) );
        return curl_exec( $this->curl );
    public function __destruct ()
        curl_close( $this->curl );
        @unlink( $this->cookiejar );



Einfaches Skript zum Testen des Bots. Editiert Spielwiese:

$wiki      = new wikipedia;
$wiki->url = "";
$wiki->setUserAgent( 'User-Agent: FooBot (' );
/* All the login stuff. */
$user = 'Dein Nutzername';
$pass = 'Dein Passwort';
$wiki->login( $user, $pass );
/* Test edit. */
$page = 'FreewarWiki:Spielwiese';
$content = 'Testedit per Bot von [[Benutzer:'.$user.']]';
$summary = 'Testedit per Bot';
$wiki->addtext( $page, $content, $summary );